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Earn Free CME with MOCA® Minute

Essential Insights

The following is a brief summary and great reminder for our provider community from the ABA website.

How MOCA Minute works

Your MOCA Minute questions are multiple-choice questions with a single, best answer. The questions you’re prompted with are personalized based on the certificates you’re currently maintaining. Once you access a MOCA Minute question, you’ll have one minute to answer it and will learn immediately if your response was correct. You can also see the question’s rationale, a critique and associated references.

Knowledge Assessment Report

The Knowledge Assessment Report identifies additional learning opportunities and activities and provides overviews of peer-to-peer and year-over-year performance comparisons. It also pulls 120 of your most recently missed questions for your review. You can find this tool in your ABA GO progress report under MOCA Minute.

CME for MOCA Minute

If you opted in to earn CME credit for answering MOCA Minute questions, you must answer 30 questions in the quarter they are intended for 2.5 CME credits per quarter.For example, if you complete 30 questions during Q1 (Jan. 1 – March 31), you will receive 2.5 CME credits and so forth throughout the year. If you completed all 120 questions during Q4 (Oct. 1 – Dec. 31), you would only receive 2.5 total CME credits for the year as you only completed one set of questions in the quarter intended.

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